Read the Signs

When confronted with the question, “Didn’t you read the sign?” a driver stopped in this particular scenario could honestly respond with a no, given that they’re faced with two entirely blank signs. These enigmatic signs contribute to the peculiar charm of our collection, each lacking context and leaving their messages to the imagination. This absence of guidance or instruction, while intriguing, presents a clear oversight that the city needs to address promptly.

Should this oversight continue uncorrected, it’s only a matter of time before an enterprising individual, armed with a step-stool and permanent markers or spray paint, decides to take matters into their own hands. The risk of them adding their own, likely unsuitable, content to these blank canvases is high. This scenario underscores the importance of maintaining clear and functional signage in public spaces, not just for the sake of order, but to prevent the inevitable creativity of the public from filling the void in less than appropriate ways.


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