With less social opportunities and more time at home, many people turned to cooking or “getting back into X, Y, and Z.” Lena Dunham, who stars in the HBO show Girls, admits that she had negative thoughts about her body during this period of reflection—and she isn’t alone.

Dunham said that we spend so much time worrying about our bodies and weight loss that we should be doing something else instead. In fact, health does not imply following a rigid structure or refraining from doing things you enjoy. Cooking and consuming healthy meals that give you a boost of energy are examples of this. It may also mean shifting the body to help us relax and put our minds to rest for a while. Exploring the concept of intuitive eating is one way to move away from a diet mindset when it comes to food. Unlike dieting, intuitive eating is based on the unconditional permission to consume a degree of food you want. It emphasizes being present when eating, honoring your appetite and fullness, and exploring food satisfaction. It can be a big shift in thinking, so start small.
