Some people lose weight for aesthetic reasons, while there are those who do it to live longer. This is the reason why actress Jane Seymour decided to drop the extra weight—14 pounds, to be exact—and switch to a much healthier lifestyle. At the time, she was bordering on becoming pre-diabetic, and the only way to prevent herself from developing type 2 diabetes was to lose weight. According to her doctor, losing just 6 pounds would benefit her greatly, but Seymour went above and beyond.

So, how did she do it? Much like investment planning, she took things day by day. Seymour ate everything in moderation and made sure to squeeze in an exercise in her everyday routine. She prefers Pilates and the use of a Gyrotonic machine, both of which she has been doing for years. Now, she’s much more energetic and comfortable in her own skin!
