Many would not be familiar with how Shonda Rhimes looks like, but the name should be something that is embedded in everyone’s subconscious because it appears every time we watch an episode of Grey’s Anatomy. She is the creator, head writer, and producer of the long-running medical drama series. Apart from Grey’s Anatomy, she is also behind The Catch and Off the Map.

Rhymes admitted that her weight loss journey has not been easy. Losing 150 pounds, and getting closer to her ideal weight, however, got her a degree motivated. She was thrilled with the results and would keep on working towards her goal. What made her realize she needed to lose weight was something trivial for many of us, but for her, it was an epiphany. Upon boarding on a first-class flight from New York, her seatbelt would not buckle–and so her journey to a healthier Shonda Rhimes began.
