Former American Idol superstar Carrie Underwood now looks fit, in shape, and happy in the current April issue of Women’s Health magazine. Her weight loss journey had several bumps along the way. She at one point thought that 800 calories per day can still be healthy. Carrie’s physique is now undoubtedly toned, but she didn’t always pay attention to her body’s fitness and nutritional needs.

It all started in 2005 when Carrie experienced relative success on American Idol, and she heard comments about her growing weight. She attributed her weight gain to the food and diet that she was eating. Luckily, Underwood was able to get rid of her bad eating habits and develop new and sustainable ones. Carrie Underwood is far from the “fat” American Idol winner that people used to see. She gives full credit to her diet and renewed dedication to working out for her current physique.
