Colin Firth And Livia Giuggioli

Right off the bat, we have to say that this couple had already split. Despite the sad turn of events, however, they still deserve a wee bit of credit for having lasted so long. Indeed, they were married for 22 years before they split — which is bona fide miracle for Hollywood’s standards. The two met in 1997, on the set of as TV show. They later started dating — basically, the whole shebang — and eventually moved to Italy to start a family.

Their countryside lifestyle turned topsy turvy when Giuggioli did things with an Italian journalist that… well, we’ll just leave to your imagination for now. So now the couple is separated, and, yeah, we’re scratching our heads about the whole thing too. In any case, at least they were able to last 22 years, which is more than what one can expect from a celebrity relationship these days.
