Tom Ford and Richard Buckley

Theirs was a relationship that withstood critics and broke boundaries in an industry full of discrimination, homophobia, and sexism. Tom Ford and Richard Buckley are one of the few couples who survived. They are the embodiment of the saying ‘Love truly wins and knows no gender,’ and are among the few who challenged society and lived life accordingly. Ford met Buckley when he was just starting in the fashion industry — it was a budding romance between designer and journalist. They stood firm with each other and tackled hardships together as an openly gay couple.

They started dating in 1986 and continue to be together to this day. They are absolutely loyal to each other and are able to disregard the foul mouth of the media. In 2014, they got officially married and the two continue to live happily. They were glad to be one of the first celebrities to get married after gay marriage was legalized, and they are happy to see society become more accepting of these types of relationships. They welcomed their first son in 2012 and their son will certainly live a good life thanks to their many great investments.
