Sylvester Stallone is one of the more popular names in Hollywood. He is not just an actor though, because he is also a screenwriter, producer, as well as a director. One of his biggest achievements was writing the script for Rocky, which he also starred in through his own dogged persistence that he be given the role. He even accepted a cut in his salary. It was one of his smartest moves as the movie earned $225 million with just a budget of $1 million. This also sealed his career in Hollywood.

Stallone had been earning around $15 to $16 million for each of his films which included Lock Up, Tango & Cash, Oscar, Demolition Man, Assassins, Expendables I, and Expendables II. Although he did have his hits and misses in his acting career, Stallone seems to be following a good investment planning since he has made his earnings in Hollywood work for him starting with his Balboa Productions company.
