Nadya Suleman | Media Personality | $1 Million in Debt

Taking credit for being the “Octomom”, Nadya Suleman gained so much interest from the media for birthing octuplets. As her pregnancy and birthing were well documented, the whole world watched in awe as she went on her unusual journey into motherhood. The first million was easy at this point for Suleman after the huge degree of publicity. But as anyone knows: being a mother to one kid is hard enough, but being a mother to eight kids is a lot harder.

For single mothers, making money has always been a struggle. Back in 2012, she said on today that she relied on public services and charged $2000 a month for food stamps. Because of all this, she’s fallen into financial ruin and is reportedly $1 million in debt. During difficult times, Nadya Suleman starred in an adult film called Octom Home Alone for the sake of children and survival.
