Stephenie Meyer | Author | $125 Million

When it was first published, Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight books were already quite popular. The films turned the series into a phenomenon, with millions of fans worldwide. The book, which gave live to Bella and Edward, also helped Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart rise to fame. Since then, the books have sold over 100 million copies—helping the author earn her multi-million net worth. Stephenie has also other novels to her credit, including 2008’s The Host. Her success is certainly inspiring, especially for writers who are still waiting for their big break.

Prior to her work becoming bestsellers, Stephenie was working as a receptionist. These days, she’s among the top-selling fiction authors of all time—alongside the likes of Stephen King and Danielle Steel. Her latest masterpiece was released in 2020, titled Midnight Sun. The best part about her books is that aside from fans reading them, they also wait for it to be on film.
