Dan Brown | Novelist | $160 Million

The author gave us the riveting novel The Da Vinci Code, which has since been adapted into two successful movies. His books sold 250 million copies globally, leading to fame and fortune for Dan Brown. His first release was 1998, titled Digital Fortress, which eventually picked up after he released two of his bestselling works. His early beginnings were quite humble, however.

He graduated from Amherst College with a degree in Spanish and English. Dan would later take up teaching as a full-time profession, which is outside of his writing career. While he was teaching Spanish at a Preparatory School, Dan met his future wife Blythe Newlon. The pair even wrote a humor book together— 187 Men to Avoid: A Survival Guide for the Romantically Frustrated Woman. His most recent book was released in 2020, titled Wild Symphony, was warmly welcomed by his readers.
