Alexis Ohanian | Technology Entrepreneur | $20 Million

He’s more than happy to be referred to as Serena Williams’ husband, but entrepreneur Alexis Ohanian certainly has an established career of his own. If you’ve ever looked up something on the internet, you have likely stumbled across one of his creations: Reddit. Ohanian founded the widely successful news website back in 2005, and it has since turned into a very profitable business venture. Reddit was bought by Conde Nast a year later. Soon after, he found Breadpig, a platform that produces merchandise and donates its earnings to charities.

With no bad credit report to worry about, Ohanian and Williams are both able to support various charitable causes, one of which was building a primary school in Laos. Along the way, the couple has also become committed supporters for the upcoming all-female soccer team Angel City FC by becoming two of its investors. Other figures involved with the group include former US national team members and the award-winning actress Natalie Portman.
