Nina Heisser is the celebrity wife of American national football player, Earl Thomas. Nina also has business investments and runs her CAPTIVATE, a clothing store partnered with Charity Washington. Their love story began when they met in Spanish class and started hanging out as friends for a few years. The couple tied the knot in 2016.Meanwhile, Earl Thomas played for the Seattle Hawks from 2010 to 2018 but was later traded to the Baltimore Ravens early in 2019.

When he was drafted in 2010, he was only 20 years old, and that made him one of the youngest players eligible to be drafted in the NFL. Since Kaleigh was born, the couple have had two more children. Earl occasionally boasts them on instagram, especially on a memorable life event, such as moving to Baltimore. Earl Thomas is is easy to root for. And when you think of Nina, the wife of Earl Thomas, and his three children, it’s easy for the whole Thomas family to get support!
